Associate Partner at Peoplerise, Ledoux talks to us about how organizations can thrive by adopting collaborative models and simplified structures to meet the challenges of our time.
Doctor. Ledoux, in your biography you describe yourself as a "transformational catalyst and growth accelerator for start-ups." In addition, you have held or are holding various positions as president, director, and manager. How do you manage to untangle the relationship between complexity and the need to simplify"
Complexity characterizes a system consisting of a large number of elements interacting without one central point of coordination, without an architect's thought-out plan, which leads to the spontaneous emergence of complex structures. In common language, the notion of complexity is often contrasted with that of simplicity and frequently confused with the notion of complication. And this is a serious mistake.
Let me explain: the cockpit of an airplane is an example of a structure that is complicated but not complex, because although it is composed of many interacting parts, these are arranged according to a preconceived plan, a plan that can be predicted based on the properties of the parts. On the other hand, for example, a company or an administration are complex social systems in the sense that they bring together different values, systems of thought, goals, frames of reference, etc., in which interpersonal relationships, techniques, and managerial practices are interwoven to achieve a business goal, economic or otherwise. Therefore, order is necessary in any human organization, in whatever form, if individual systems of thought are to coexist in a coherent organization over time. Without order "collective or individual goals, evaluations, human resources, atmosphere, hierarchy, intrapreneurship, etc.), the social system would not hold up and would become chaotic.
Nowadays, most human organizations are organized according to an often-complicated system based on a hierarchical pyramid in which the most important decisions for the organization are made by management. In general, this complicated system limits the vitality and dynamism of complex systems. However, there are other simple systems, based on a few clear rules, that better ensure order without hindering the complexity and vitality of an organization. This applies not only to human organization, but also to the animal kingdom, as demonstrated by ants. Ants do not have a leader. The key to their performance lies in the richness of their communication, particularly through the use of pheromones. Through this mechanism of communication, which is both simple and complex, ants work together to find solutions that are impossible for one acting alone.
Untangling complexity and the need to simplify to make information accessible and usable is therefore a process that requires balance, method, and awareness. Here are three principles that can help find this balance:
1. Understanding the root complexity. This involves identifying the essential components of a system and recognizing the major relationships among them. Once this understanding has been acquired, it is possible to identify what can be simplified without compromising the integrity of the whole.
2. Tailoring "communication", for instance, by directing the strategy or organizational structure - and thus the simplification of the message or structure - to the target audience. This involves adapting the level of detail, the use of analogies and metaphors, the hierarchy of information "in a form that allows the audience to choose how far to go), without ever losing sight of accuracy.
3. Regularly verifying the clarity of the message through repetition and feedback in order to achieve or maintain the balance between simplicity and accuracy.
You are an associate partner of Peoplerise, a Benefit Corporation and B Corp founded with the vision of putting people at the center of organizations. For the large companies you work with, what are the benefits of adopting a collaborative governance model and a "simplified" structure" How does simplification not only facilitate action, but make it faster and more effective"
For all organizations, small or large, public or private, adopting a collaborative governance model and simplified structure can be a strategic choice with many advantages in terms of efficiency, speed and innovation. These advantages are particularly relevant in today's context of rapidly changing markets and increasing demand for agility and adaptability. Here are some specific advantages:
1. Faster, more informed decisions focused on strategic goals
A more streamlined structure eliminates unnecessary hierarchical layers, reducing the number of approvals needed and speeding up decision-making processes. When governance is collaborative, information flows more freely and managers can make more informed decisions, with a comprehensive and accessible view of the context. This also leads to better decisions because they are based on hard data and better knowledge sharing. Clear communication strengthens trust among teams and enables everyone to quickly understand goals, priorities and changes. Simplification avoids the dispersion of energy and resources, allowing employees to focus on key objectives.
2. Increased responsibility and autonomy for teams
In collaborative governance models, teams have more responsibility and autonomy, which makes them more proactive and flexible. This encourages a culture of initiative and problem-solving, where employees can act quickly without waiting for lengthy approval processes. It also fosters a sense of ownership, as members feel actively involved in company decisions.
3. Cost reduction and resource optimization
Simplifying the organizational structure also reduces operational costs associated with internal bureaucracy and duplication of roles and responsibilities. Collaborative governance enables more effective resource management, as it allows managers to assess needs in real time and allocate resources flexibly according to emerging priorities.
4. Greater innovation and adaptability
Collaborative governance models facilitate the exchange of ideas and innovation. Employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and perspectives, promoting a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement. A simplified structure also enables the company to adapt more quickly to market needs, integrating new processes and technologies with fewer internal obstacles.
After the pandemic, how has the relationship between people's
well-being within an organization and motivation in the workplace

"The pandemic has
highlighted the close link between personal
well-being and productivity,
motivation and resilience at work."
In my view, the pandemic has highlighted the close link between personal well-being and productivity, motivation and resilience at work. Here are some of the main changes I have observed:
1. A culture of trust and autonomy
Remote work has clearly demonstrated that an approach based on direct control is less effective than one based on trust and autonomy. When employees feel that the company trusts them and holds them accountable, they feel more valued and motivated. This paradigm shift has improved engagement and reduced the tendency to micromanage, leading to a more positive and productive environment. This has enabled the spread of flexible and hybrid work and the recognition of the importance of work-life balance.
2. Increased engagement through inclusion and diversity initiatives
Since the pandemic, many companies have accelerated inclusion and diversity initiatives, recognizing that a sense of belonging is an essential element in employee well-being and motivation. Inclusive policies and respectful and welcoming work environments have a positive effect on motivation by creating an environment in which everyone feels accepted and valued.
3. Support physical well-being and mental health and recognize the value of employee
experiences, personal development opportunities, and corporate social responsibility
The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of physical well-being and mental health
as essential elements of productivity. More and more companies have introduced initiatives
to promote physical activity "such as company gyms or agreements with fitness centers), restorative breaks and opportunities for personal fulfillment through work. Finally, feeling that one's company is engaged in worthwhile projects increases one's sense of belonging and
motivation as one works toward a larger and more meaningful goal.
Interestingly, these three changes correspond to the three psychological needs that Deci and Ryan identified in their self-determination theory as essential to increasing the pleasure and meaning of work, and thus the productivity, agility, and resilience of an organization. In my view, all models of collaborative governance are based, explicitly or not, on Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory.
Creativity and innovation: what do you think is the right approach to help talent maintain their autonomy and simplify their contribution for the benefit of the enterprise"
My answer to this question is already contained in the previous answer. Let me expand it a bit by presenting some guidelines and practices that can help companies harness the creative potential of talent by channeling their ideas into a streamlined and useful flow for the organization:
1. Set clear goals but leave room to maneuver by eliminating or streamlining approval procedures.
2. Promote autonomy by using mentors or coaches to help talented people turn their ideas into reality.
3. Adopt an "innovation pipeline" model, creating multidisciplinary teams, valuing diversity of thought and cross-functional collaboration, adopting a "fail fast" approach, and encouraging feedback and continuous learning.
You contributed to Frederic Laloux's book "Reinventing Organizations." How can strategic visions be articulated in a practical way" How do you "experiment with the new" and generate innovative ideas"
I did not collaborate on Frédéric Laloux's book; I only had the opportunity to read the preliminary version and make a few observations. First, Frédéric is a friend whom I hold in high regard.
His book proposes an approach to corporate structures that is both revolutionary and outdated, aimed at creating organizations that better meet the psychological needs inclusion, autonomy and personal development - that we all have. The biggest challenge, of course, is to translate these visionary ideas into real, concrete practices. Here are some strategies that can help "anchor" innovative ideas and experiment with new organizational arrangements:
1. Pilot projects and rapid prototyping
These projects allow experimentation with limited teams, reduce risk, and gather initial feedback without compromising the entire organization.
2. Leadership transformation
The transition to "teal" organizations, as described by Laloux, requires a change of mindset, particularly at the leadership level. Leaders must assume the role of facilitators, creating the conditions for autonomous, self-organizing management. In practical terms, this may mean reducing micro-management, promoting delegation of responsibilities, and investing in training and mentoring to develop horizontal leadership skills. In my view, any "teal" project should start with a pilot project at the level of the executive committee.
3. Redesign the organization into more autonomous units aligned to a shared mission
One practical step is to organize the company into small, autonomous teams responsible for specific projects or functions.
This approach, successfully adopted by companies such as
Buurtzorg and Morning Star, enables teams to respond more
quickly to customer and market needs. Each team can manage itself independently and coordinate its activities, fostering
creativity and agility. The organizations described by Laloux
are also driven by a strong "evolutive purpose," a goal that goes
beyond profit and inspires employee engagement. To put this
vision into practice, companies can promote meetings and
activities that stimulate dialogue about the mission and how
each team can contribute to its achievement. Alignment with
meaningful goals fosters a sense of belonging and self-determination. This often leads to the simplification of bureaucratic
structures and processes.

"The motto "ACT WITH SIMPLICITY" is powerful and visionary, especially for a company of MAIRE's size and complexity."
4. Iterative approach and continuous improvement, based on radical transparency and circular feedback tools, which promote continuous learning.
One of the key principles for "testing the new" is adopting an iterative approach, similar to
agile methodology. Instead of changing everything at once, teams test new practices in short
cycles, with progressive improvements based on concrete feedback. This allows solutions to
be constantly adapted to the specific needs of the business. Transparency is a key principle for
an advanced organizational culture. Making company information accessible to all employees
builds trust and actively engages people. In practice, this means using digital platforms to share data and results in real time, enabling employees to make informed, autonomous decisions.
Another useful practice is to put a 360-degree continuous feedback system in place, where
feedback is sought and given horizontally among colleagues and not just vertically. This not
only reinforces the culture of continuous improvement, but also allows people to grow and
learn through the direct experience of others, reducing the need for hierarchical controls.
In the MAIRE group, the motto "ACT WITH SIMPLICITY" corresponds to &Let simplicity be our strategy. Let us embrace it, maximize the effectiveness of simplified decisions, and work together to achieve goals. ' In an organization as large as MAIRE, it becomes crucial to encourage simplicity as the main strategy to reduce complexity and make decisions, with faster, more efficient and ef- fective procedures and actions. What are your thoughts on this Motto"
The motto "ACT WITH SIMPLICITY" is powerful and visionary, especially for a company of MAIRE's size and complexity. As I mentioned earlier, adopting simplicity as a strategic approach means, among other things, minimizing obstacles to decision-making and streamlining processes, promoting alignment of goals, and fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and adaptability.
However, I would like to emphasize the use of the verb "act," as opposed to "react."
When we speak of "acting," we are referring to action that arises from awareness and intentionality. Acting implies a choice, a conscious evaluation process that starts from the authentic self, the deepest and most reflective core of our personality. Action has a thoughtful motivation, a definite goal and often an ethical orientation. "Action" is characterized by reflection, authenticity and responsibility.
"Reacting," on the other hand, is a more immediate and often unconscious behavior. Reaction is triggered without true reflection and tends to start with the ego, the part of us most focused on defending, comparing or protecting our habits and certainties. The reaction is therefore associated with automaticity, rigidity and passivity toward the environment.
Integrating the concept of "Acting with Simplicity" therefore means inviting people to respond to external stimuli in a conscious and thoughtful way, choosing the simplest and most effective way to achieve goals. It is not about making quick or simplified decisions, but about acting with clarity, focusing on the essentials of what is really needed to make progress and leaving aside unnecessary automatisms and complication.
Adherence to this motto should not only improve employee well-being and organizational effectiveness, but also create a work climate in which people are encouraged to give their best, to act with intentionality, and to contribute to a more conscious corporate culture.