We aim for excellence in carbon neutrality and impact reduction, and accompany clients towards an industrial economy powered by renewable, circular, and decarbonized sources.

We are committed to being promoters of the energy transition and circular economy, providing the market with innovative and integrated solutions.

Our Goals
Reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 35% compared to 2018 baseline (2025)
Carbon neutrality (Scope 1 and 2) by 2029, instead of 2030
Carbon neutrality (Scope 3) by 2050
Publication of the first TCFD report (2024)
Develop portfolio of green technologies and projects, decarbonization as a service
Our ambition is not only to reduce our carbon footprint but also to provide the international industrial system with a portfolio of technologies capable of enabling the energy transition by supporting our customers in the development of increasingly sustainable and low-carbon-impact plant solutions.
CO2 (Scope 1 and Scope 2) produced in 2023
CO2 (Scope 3) produced in 2023
CO2 reduction (Scope 1 and Scope 2) vs 2022
plastic waste recycled in 2023
MAIRE activates internal Met Zero Task Force to reduce its carbon footprint
MAIRE introduces Carbon Tracker on its supplier platform to monitor their carbon footprint
with the Met Zero Plan, MAIRE has equipped itself with a carbon neutrality plan by 2029 (Scope 1 and 2)
of water withdrawn, of which 68% in areas considered to be "water stressed"
of waste produced (-58% vs 2022)
certifies our ongoing efforts to implement a Group-wide environmental management system
MAIRE will adopt a tool to support reporting aligned with the guidelines of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Circular economy
We apply our know-how in green chemistry to contribute to a circular economy that, instead of using hydrocarbons as a starting point, recovers waste resources, avoiding waste and minimizing climate-changing emissions.
Solutions supporting circularity
We develop technologies for mechanical and chemical recycling of waste and technological solutions for the production of bioplastics and biodegradable plastics.We aim for responsible management of all our waste by promoting its recycling.

Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions
We offer a portfolio of enabling technologies to help industrial companies achieve their energy transition goals.
Carbon footprint of our activities
Reduce the carbon footprint of our activities, through the dedicated work of a task force geared toward achieving the goals of carbon neutrality.

Energy use and efficiency
We foster the energy transition by integrating and developing energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources.
Energy efficiency solutions for processes and facilities
We reduce the energy consumption of our temporary facilities and develop solutions for electrification of traditional processes.

Natural resource management
We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of production activities in terms of waste generation and resource consumption.
Pollution minimization and biodivesity conservation
We pursue strategies to minimize air, land and water pollution and to preserve biodiversity.