In this section, you can download the official materials to help you better understand our Group and our activities.
A collection of our company assets including our corporate profile and main offices to give you an overview of who we are and where we are located.
A section where you can find and download the logos of all our companies.
An overview of our Group's business to see what we do around the world.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of MAIRE Group, he began his career as an entrepreneur at the age of 19, by setting up his first company with three employees. He built up the MAIRE Group over three decades, through a process of internal growth and acquisitions.

In 2013, he joined MAIRE Group as Group Chief Financial Officer, also covering the position of Director in several Group companies.
He will cover the position of CFO till May 15th, 2022 when he is appointed Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of MAIRE S.p.A. as well as Chief Executive Officer of Tecnimont S.p.A., KT – Kinetics Technologies S.p.A. and NEXTCHEM S.p.A.