Milan, 7 October 2020 – Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia confirms its commitment to promoting sustainable initiatives by supporting NextChem, the Maire Tecnimont Groupcompany for the energy transition, in the activities of the subsidiary MyReplast Industries, a company specialised in plastic waste Upcycling. Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia financed a leasing plan to purchase innovative equipment and machinery aimed at further increasing the production performance of the entire Upcycling process.
MyReplast Industries is a Maire Tecnimont Group company, owned by NextChem and situated within the “Circular Economy” cluster on company's the roadmap to the energy transition . The company recycles plastic waste through the use of NextChem's proprietary MyReplastTM technology, which is capable of separating the different polymers present in the plastic waste in a technically sophisticated way and obtaining, through a compounding (chemical transformation) phase, granulates of high-quality recycled plastics that can replace virgin plastics in various application sectors. As part of the Circular Economy cluster, NextChem has also developed a technology platform for waste-to-chemical processes, that is the chemical conversion of non-recyclable plastic waste to obtain synthetic gases, chemical products and “circular” fuels, with a low carbon impact.
For Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia, the transaction is part of a wider green project called CA GREENLEASE, an ambitious and challenging plan aimed at providing a tangible service to customers through various green initiatives for a virtuous and sustainable growth process. Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia's commitment is also confirmed with the loans devoted to creating plants for the production of energy from renewable sources. According to the data from the Studies and Statistics Centre of Assilea – the Italian Leasing Association – in August 2020, Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia was first in the amount financed for the renewable energies segment.
"We are proud that Maire Tecnimont Group has chosen Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia and our Group to invest in innovative technologies for the Upcycling of end-of-life plastics, returning materials with chemical-physical characteristics similar to those of virgin polymers - states Vincenzo Aloe, General Manager of Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia. We strongly believe in projects that contribute to the circular economy and we have successfully carried out the initiative in synergy with our Group and, in particular, with the Large Corporate of Rome. A confirmation of our desire to create greater value through sustainability, in line with what Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia is promoting with its green project CA GREENLEASE.”
“We are increasingly convinced that it is necessary to promote innovation of the industrial chain of recycling. Today more than ever it serves to bring growth to this sector, which faces significant challenges established by the European legislators and required by an economic system which has embarked on the road of circularity and of energy transition", comments Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO of NextChem and Maire Tecnimont. "In this field, we have understood that the future is today. Italy needs plants like ours. Our technology and our abilities in engineering and as industrial enablers are available to anyone who believes in this as a promising business sector. The partnership with Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia fits perfectly into this strategic line of ours”.
Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange is the head company of an industrial group, a leader in the natural resources processing industry (plant engineering in oil & gas downstream, with advanced technological and executive skills). Through its subsidiary, NextChem, the Group operates in the field of green chemistry; NextChem develops, designs and markets technologies for the energy transition, to produce chemical products sourced from non-fossils. NextChem roadmap goes in three directions: lower climate impact of traditional plants through industrial technologies that use renewable energy sources and CO2 capture and recovery; the production of intermediate products and chemicals from bio-sourced raw materials; advanced recycling (Upcycling) of plastic waste and chemical recycling. Maire Tecnimont Group is present in 45 countries, has about 50 operating companies, and employs about 6,100 people, plus 3,000 professionals in its electrical and instrumentation business unit.
For more information: www.mairetecnimont.com, www.nextchem.com
Crédit Agricole Leasing Italia, with over 9,000 customers and 2 bilions of loans to the real economy is the entity of Crédit Agricole in Italy operating in the lease sector with the design and supply of products that are fit to meet the requirements of its customers, mainly businesses and professionnals. Through the network of the Crédit Agricole Italia Banking Group, its products covering all finance lease segments are distributed: equipment, vehicles, real estate, aircraft/boat and renewable energy leases. Moreover, through the Vendor leasing channel, it offers operating leasing products.
CA Leasing Italia embraces and implements the Group’s values, supporting the commercial banks’ network in relations with customers based in the communities in which it operates, giving priority to the core economic sectors, such as agri-food and renewable energy.
Press offices:
NextChem - Maire Tecnimont
Ilaria Catastini, Communication Manager, NextChem Tel +39 327 0663447
Margherita Ficola, Assistant, NextChem Tel +39 328 1297533 mediarelations@nextchem.it
Carlo Nicolais, Director Communication, Gruppo Maire Tecnimont
Tommaso Verani, Media Relations, Gruppo Maire Tecnimont Tel +39 366 6494966 mediarelations@mairetecnimont.it
External Relations - Crédit Agricole Italia
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