"What does it mean to be an entrepreneur at large, although not quite in the literal sense of the word? It means accepting the challenge of having a blank sheet in front of you, without being afraid of writing on it, day by day. With the ink of passion, of thirst of doing things, of determination in making a difference".
The words of the Andrea Vena, Maire Tecnimont Europe Region VP and KT Commercial VP, inaugurate the seventh number of EVOLVE, our magazine on company culture and strategies. In this number, the pivotal focus is on entrepreneurship within the company setting, highlighting the importance of being able to get out of one's comfort zone in order to imagine a world of possibilities and scenarios not accessible to most people.
The foundations of all this are the passion and the knowledge of one entrepreneur, our founder Fabrizio Di Amato, whose support in the role of Chairman is a constant inspiration to always seek new ideas to face chance and enhance our performance. "Often characterized as the driving force behind economical processes, today entrepreneurship, regarded as the assumption of responsibility, is the key value of each person working at Maire Tecnimont". The success of an organization, especially in the most complex ones that thrive in uncertain markets, depends on a long series of 'sub-goals' and tasks that have to be "atomized". The more results depend on many behaviours all synchronized together, the more diffused entrepreneurship is key.
"In our sector - goes on to explain our CEO Pierroberto Folgiero in the interview at page 14 - where you start from a big critical mission that then divides into a sum of critical activities, to reach milestones of excellence you need to be able to develop, tackle, look at things with a sense of entrepreneurship. Fostering entrepreneurial attitudes, we know that the sentence "every micro-decision counts" is not an empty thought but a strategic way of living all things related to our Group, enabling us to face critical decisions, uncertain moments and challenging goals".
Many companies, many entrepreneurs and many managers do not prepare timely the path towards the long-term goal: this issue deals with difference from dynamic companies and the ones that never evolve, talking of smart working with Marco Bentivogli and also with how having a startup mindset in company settings can be beneficial with Roberto Battaglia.
There is also space dedicated to our Group "entrepreneurial culture", whether individual or that of the group, by our Group Development & Compensation Head of Department Sara Frassine.
Of course, sustainability as a strategy deeply integrated in the core business is also present in this issue, together with the questions and answers that come with developing new businesses in very diverse geographical areas, with a word from our Davide Pelizzola, Sub - Saharan Africa Region VP.
Let us close with Andrea Vena's words: "Entrepreneurs start by believing in an idea and along the path he builds up the bricks of road, that is a team to share a vision with".
To discover more read the new issue of Evolve.