Milan, 21 April 2022 – The Board of Directors of Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. (the “Company” or “Maire Tecnimont”), met today, taking in consideration i) the resignation handed today by Pierroberto Folgiero from the positions of Director, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of the Company, effective from May 15, 2022, and ii) the unwillingness to accept the office of Alessandra Conte - first unelected candidate belonging to the list from which Pierroberto Folgiero was drawn - co-opted, pursuant to art. 2386 of the Italian Civil Code, as new non-independent Director of the Company Alessandro Bernini, already Group Chief Financial Officer of the Company since 2013 , also appointing him as the new Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Maire Tecnimont.
The Board has also conferred on Alessandro Bernini - as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or principal responsible for the management of the Company and, in such position, also in charge of the establishment and maintenance of the internal control and risk management system - executive powers for the management and coordination of the Group's activities.
The resolutions passed today by the Board of Directors will be effective from 15 May 2022. Alessandro Bernini will remain in office, according to the law, until the next Shareholders' Meeting of the Company.
Today, Alessandro Bernini has handed, effective from May 15, 2022, his resignation from the position of Manager in charge of preparing the corporate accounting documents; the Board of Directors will subsequently appoint the new Manager in charge, to replace him.
As of today, Alessandro Bernini holds number no. 208,654 ordinary shares, no par value, of Maire Tecnimont.
Alessandro Bernini's curriculum vitae is available on the Company's website (, in the “Governance” - “Governance System” - “Board of Directors” section.
With reference to Pierroberto Folgiero, it should be noted that the same has resigned following the acceptance by the latter of the candidacy in the office of Director having the independence requirements and specific professional skills for the office of Chief Executive Officer in another listed company.
In line with the Remuneration Policy approved for the year 2022, there are no indemnities and/or other benefits in favor of Pierroberto Folgiero following the termination of the office of Chief Executive Officer of the Company and the termination of the working relationship with Maire Tecnimont as Chief Operating Officer of the same, without prejudice to the provisions of the current regulations governing the termination of the working relationship.
As of today, Pierroberto Folgiero holds no. 518,706 ordinary shares, with no par value, of Maire Tecnimont.
The Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors and all the management of the Company and of the Maire Tecnimont Group thank Pierroberto Folgiero for the activity carried out and the important results achieved, expressing the best wishes for future professional challenges.
Maire Tecnimont S.p.A., a company listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, heads an international industrial group that is a leader in the transformation of natural resources (plant engineering in downstream oil & gas, with technological and execution competences). Through its subsidiary NextChem, it operates in the field of green chemistry and the technologies to support the energy transition. Maire Tecnimont Group operates in about 45 countries, through approximately 50 operative companies and about 9,100 people. For more information:
Group Media Relations
Carlo Nicolais, Tommaso Verani
+39 02 63137603
Investor Relations
Riccardo Guglielmetti
Tel +39 02 6313-7823