October 6-8, 2020 - We took part in "MADE IN ITALY: THE RESTART – Relaunching the Italian Economy in a Post-Covid World", the three days of digital events organized by ll Sole 24 Ore and Financial Times for the relaunch and the restart in the world of Made in Italy excellences.
The event, moderated by journalists of the Sole 24 Ore and the Financial Times and broadcasted via streaming from Milan and London with simultaneous Italian-English translation, saw the participation of numerous institutional presences, as well as top managers and entrepreneurs representing the Italian excellence.
Our Chairman, Fabrizio Di Amato, participated in the first day of debates as a speaker at the round table "Patto per l’Export”: Key strategies and initiatives for the relaunch. The roles of major public and private sector institutions" underlining the importance of engineering in the Italian economy: "Made in Italy in the world is not represented only by fashion and food but also by the engineering excellence that today play an important role, especially in support export and supply chain processes. The restart also passes from here ".
During the final day, our CEO, Pierroberto Folgiero, spoke at the round table "Innovation as a driver for recovery", presenting Maire Tecnimont's plan for a totally decarbonized future: "With green chemistry, we ask ourselves how to produce basic products without starting from fossil sources. Biochemistry, electrochemistry, and waste chemistry are our solutions for a future driven by green technology ".