In the current critical situation, a huge coordination work of the foreign offices has been done in Maire Tecnimont’s Headquarters in Milan to continuously share information and best practices to adopt in the emergency against Covid-19.
In order to make this sharing as effective as possible and reach all Maire Tecnimont Group employees, a dedicated intranet page has been created: in this context of a global health emergency, a correct influx of information is essential to manage the risk and properly face the infection.
In this page the Group have shared useful documents about policies and proper behaviors to adopt during this pandemic, construction site guidelines and Covid health information documents published since the beginning of the emergency.
The Group has worked hard not only on the subjects but also on communication and engagement side. In this regard Maire Tecnimont has launched the "spin-off" of its proprietary brand Safethink, adapting it to the current situation with Safethinkcovid-19, and to the related HSE campaign that is shared throughout the Maire Tecnimont network.
Thanks to the dedicated communication campaign and intranet page, Maire Tecnimont’s foreign offices and site have been constantly aligned and engaged through homogeneous information and material download.