December 13, 2018, Suhar (Oman) – A bridge to unite a divided village is the symbol of the Maire Tecnimont Group’s attention to the local populations around its construction sites. And this is just the last step in the Tecnimont success story in Oman, where it is participating with a petrochemical project in the execution of the Liwa Plastic Industries Complex (LPIC) Project for the Omani Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic).
The decision to erect a bridge at Wadi Hala'El Bani Ghaith (“Wadi” in Arabic means “river”) - completed thanks to the support and contribution of Tecnimont subcontractors involved in the project – was conceived by listening to the needs of the local population that, during the rainy season, was isolated from the other side of the village.
The bridge was presented to the local population at an inauguration ceremony at the presence of Tecnimont representatives, local authorities and Orpic representatives.
Generating value for local communities is one of the priorities of our Group. Indeed, we invest in the local workforce, in services for the community and acquire local products. This objective is also confirmed by yesterday’s signature of an agreement with Omani non-profit Jusoor, which is active in the development of local communities through sustainable social projects. The agreement includes the construction of a car park at the Liwa Cultural Centre.
And not only in-country value, but also continuous attention to work safety: from May 2016 to date, we have achieved 20 million man/hours in complete safety, an objective reached thanks to the care and passion of every one of the 7000 workers present at the construction site.
Three important milestones, both for our project and for the local community, achieved thanks to commitment and team work.